Email is critical for your business communications, but it can open the door for many dangerous threats like: ransomware, phishing, spoofing, spam and viruses. Learn how to use your Kappa Email Security Service (Spam Filtering System) to its maximum potential and safeguard your PC and network from harmful attacks and potential email security breaches.
If you are a current user of Kappa's Email Security Service, the following video will show you how to use and personalize the spam filtering system to your needs. How do you know if you are on Kappa's spam filtering system? If you get a Kappa Junk Summary in your email inbox, you are!
If you are not using our Email Security Service, check out the video to see how this powerful tool can benefit you and your organization.
How to use the Kappa Email Security Service (Spam Filtering System)
Kappa's Email Security Service not only protects you and your organization from unsafe spam emails, but we have made it easy for you to manage, personalize and set-up your junk box settings effectively.
For more information on the features and benefits of Kappa's Email Security Service or if you have any other questions call: 407-331-5921 or email Support@KappaServices.com. We are always ready to help!